Sep 27, 2012

Thrifted Thursdays: Epicly Awesome Chair

Last Saturday, I went out to an estate sale. I was actually considering not going.

I had seen the listing about the estate sale a couple of weeks prior. I had seen photos online. The sale was listed as being in my zip code. But I was still contemplating not going. I had just made an awesome score at another estate/yard sale.

Then they updated the address for the home.

It was right down the street from my house. It's easily within walking distance. I can actually see the house from my driveway.
I'm not kidding, you really can!

I figured I had to go.

I bought this.

I'm calling it my Epicly Awesome Chair, because it is.

Even the back of the chair is epicly awesome.

It's an antique needlepoint chair. It has a very art-deco feel to it.

 I think they may be french knots? Maybe punch needle?

Either way, I'm glad I drove there. (I was heading out to rock climbing afterward.)

...Now comes the price.


This is the most expensive item I have ever bought at a thrift/estate/yard sale. It's my Birthday soon, so I figure that this is my birthday present to myself.

Here comes the kinda funny bit...I had to pay for it in coins.

Yeap. COINS.

I had $14.00 cash in my pocketbook. Normally, that would be more than enough for little trinkets. On a whim, I grabbed the bag of change before I left the house.
I'm really glad I did.
They had the chair listed at $36.00. I didn't have $36.00. I really wanted this chair.

The first day of the sale it was listed at $50.00.

The lady who owns the business happened to be there, and said they could sell it for $30.00. So, I handed over my $14.00 and proceeded to count out the rest in quarters and dimes.

The chair ended up costing me $32.43 plus tax.

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